Tips to gain breadth and light in the bathroom

In these cases it is necessary to a correct choice of materials, lighting and all the elements that will be used to reform it.

You can take advantage of any window to make a good distribution of a bathroom with shower and tub, aligning the front of it, and place hidden behind the door toilets.

Tips and recommendations for maintaining beautiful plants

When we have the decoration of our gardens, or distribution of indoor plants, often do not know what the best way and where it will grow much better. It is always necessary to remember that those locations to the south or the east are the most appropriate.

The indoor plants grow mostly smooth in windows that are addressed in these directions, because they receive the morning sun is not as strong as or nap in the afternoon. Anyway you have to evaluate each species because not all like to be in direct sunlight, there are many species against excessive sun, its leaves turn green too, losing their natural colors, especially those that carry a foliage orange, red, and different colors.