How to decorate the kitchen on a budget: the best accessories

The kitchen is such an important place in the house as the room or the bathroom: in this lighted corner are reflected each of the habits of the owners and who is responsible for the cooking. Equipping a kitchen is no easy task but there are certain tips that can help!

In this note we have gathered some pictures so you can get an idea of how to get a modern decor from elements that are not "extras" but are so important when cooking and decorating.

Use basic tools

You do not have a budget to allocate part for home decor and even less if you had no plans to invest in it. One recommendation that I can do is use that extra money or that part of your budget to buy furniture and make additions that may be useful and decorative ... look at this example.

The walls always prove beneficial to acclimate spaces small spaces and make them more useful. For the walls of your kitchen can be installed wood or cork organizers with holes (like the one pictured) and use it as a base.

Intelligent Toothbrush

Technology has advanced so much that today to a routine as simple as brushing teeth becomes an object of interest. This is how the Beam Brush is a smart toothbrush that not only takes care of sanitizing the mouth but also allows you to track the habits of oral hygiene.

The device can connect to mobile via Bluetooth then report when and for how long you brush your teeth.

The application associated with this brush also provides rewards when you brush correctly and to generate graphs brushing history.