Technical scrim walls in decorating

The technique of scrim walls is very old, but is imposed again in modern decor, being modern and adding a touch of distinction.

It is very easy and inexpensive, but if we're not used to working, it is best to consult a specialist, since it is performed by applying perimeter of racks, which then must set the walls, which then covered with a layer of polyester and then proceeds to mount the fabric chosen, which has previously been linked to all joints that attach to the racks.

How to correctly select the furniture for the kitchen

Before choosing furniture to decorate a kitchen is essential that we keep in mind what their size, the amount of light that we have, and from there to design the rest of the furniture to take advantage of much better.

While custom furniture is the best solution can not always put into practice, it is important that if we acquire ready-made furniture, we present the colors to keep the room light, however if the kitchen is large enough you can take advantage and paint your walls in light colors in order to place furniture in darker shades.