The Bagua map of Feng Shui or

Anyone who wants to distribute the spaces of your home according to Feng Shui, even if it were a beginner should know or Bagua energy map, which has its origins based is Ching the sacred book of the mutations, which used for divination, "ba" means eight and 'Gua "means trigram, and would become the ancient mystical representation of all combinations of energy of Yin and Yang.

The bagua is an octagon, but we could simplify a square, which set him on the plane of our home or on a particular room, indicates that 8 of the areas are most conductive to relations between people, marriage, family, fortune, prosperity, fame, wisdom, money, and pleasure.

We should note that in the energy map called Bagua, the quarters are in a different position in the Western compass, south is up, north is down, east to the right, and west to the left, when sitĂșes the Bagua on the level of your home or any other room, and the door should always be on the bottom.

A truly comfortable bathroom

To gain comfort is necessary to successfully restructure the space, the color of the soil and the delimitation of using the materials play a key role when renovate your bathroom.

This can separate shower toilet by a partition, closed with transparent glass wall that can come equipped with a comfortable area where you can dry off.

The mixture of materials can also help you get that special touch you're looking for in a bathroom all marbled, you can take to avoid overloading sockets made ​​using paint that is in tune of marble, and apply also in parts of the walls you have not covered, you can apply wood floors in the bathroom before or dressing areas, which should varnished with polyurethane to make it much stronger and so this will help better define the zones.