"Ideas for decorating a small garden and the plants look"

Some elements that we have in our homes can help to beautify the garden, as is the case of ponds, stairs, beds, etc. The secret is known how to use and to plant them so they can look like want.

In the case of the stairs, you can have a container garden and landscaping to bet, not that it protrudes too much or stand out as its focus, so as not to overshadow the rest of the accessories you want to be seen outside our house. The choice is very easy to get, but you have several plants growing in pots and on the edges or in a hedge than for other high. The steps to decorate must be best rather low but broad and deep to smooth out the uneven ground and avoid a deep slope.

You can also make a road surrounded by floral species, you must have a passageway to provide the garden with the rest of the park or on paved roads and conduct provided, its design should always be simple but colorful floral choosing your route, you can plants placed around the slab or on the edges. Remember to do this choose some varieties of flowers, but do not overdo the amount of vegetation even allows us to recreate an amplifying effect of space.

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