3 factors polluting our home

Most of the time and usually think that pollution is out of our home, but in any environment without realizing we have these 3 factors that make the fresh air is not present, and breathe toxic elements without realizing it.

Moho is a kind of fungus, that grow in places where high humidity and warm, spread by spores, and producing an odor of confinement needs to be treated especially when there are people in the household allergic to it, and what can be done by a solution of bleach water and properly ventilate the area where it operates. In bathrooms and kitchens must have adequate ventilation, and where it is most often proliferate.

Carbon monoxide, the same is a colorless, odorless, highly toxic, is produced from burning combustible materials such as gas, coal, oil, wood or snuff, in environments low in oxygen, including stoves, stove tops etc. Therefore it is necessary to check all appliances and fireplaces, stoves, heaters and furnaces or water heaters, to prevent accidents, and air environments to have fresh air constantly.

Radon, the same is a radioactive gas, which is transmitted through the soil, and can contaminate a home or building, the land rises and enters the home through cracks and crevice, so should always be made ​​appropriate checks and maintain a home free of harmful and toxic substances.

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