How often should clean your house

To properly maintain your home is necessary to perform certain daily cleaning, especially in environments such as kitchen and bathroom, which require daily care.

If there are smokers in your home, it is important to empty the ashtrays every day to avoid polluting the environment and to maintain order, make the bed, keep the clothes in the closets, and so doing a little every day will prevent the accumulation activities for the weekend or when it has free time, which can take advantage of doing other things.

The clothing is advisable to wash once or twice a week, like scrubbing the floor and the passage of the vacuum, such as deep cleaning of furniture, not to accumulate dust, especially those most exposed and the view.

Once a month completely remove dirt from the bedroom, wash curtains, cleans carpets, and remember to keep dust free libraries, by wiping the elements stored in it. On the other hand do not leave food in the cupboards and periodically clean non-perishable food stored there.

Remember to also clean appliances, changing filters and disinfect the bin. The fungus usually found in the wall can remove twice a year, and once a month should defrost the refrigerator.

Organizing and keeping in mind these tips, you can always keep your house clean, not overloaded with activities.

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