How to improve the decor of a bedroom

Although we think that the decor of any room in our home is perfect, the truth is that there are always a couple of arrangements we can do to improve it and make it look much better. It should be clear that all rooms should get to have a special touch that reflects our personality as well will feel more at home in any of them.

Here are a few tips for you so you can improve your bedroom decor, something you can get only a few details adding or changing a few things around. 

Antiquities: Certainly will bring a special touch to any corner, the type of object that is irrespective of the decorative style you have in the bedroom. An antique piece will give a lot of personality to the room, so you can use it for a chair, a lamp, a bedside table or a headboard.

Plants: Flowers and plants give much life to any room, and the bedroom is not going to be less. Even if you think it's not worth putting in that room and you spend very little time on it, the fact is that nothing like a small plant to your room is full of joy and, incidentally, has a better smell. You can even put artificial flowers if you are good to care why plants.

Interesting decorative elements: Visit few markets to find interesting pieces, and unique, which will bring something different to your bedroom. Although they are somewhat worn simply with a coat of paint or a good cleaning again be in perfect condition.

Lighting: If you want this look is original, combining several types of light and you'll get a bedroom more appealing, especially if it's a lamp in any way original or light spots distributed attention grabbing.

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