Interior decorating ideas for home with pictures

At interior decorating home, usually the artworks are often not only decorative pieces, but represent something of themselves, enriching the spirit and generate many feelings, so give it a protagonist importance to the environment in which the lights in your house. You will realize some important interior home painting tips to decorate home with accordance with your taste.

For this there is no need to spend large amounts of money, a piece of picture something that we generate ourselves can bring itself, the touch of warmth and color in our home, although we have not put a frame.

The decoration of home with paintings requires some details to run in the selected room. For example, the choice of topics that will have the pictures, which can be drawings or photos paintings, design and color of the frames, the correlation between the picture, the color of the walls and furniture of the house, are almost obvious tips.

Where to place the pictures

You may wonder now where you place them, but all of our home places are conducive to wear a beautiful piece of art, but generally most designers choose to place still life in the kitchens and abstract figures in libraries and lounges.
Anyway as we always say the limit is your own imagination, especially when placing works of great spans, and larger generally for stunning pictures and quality larger the hall is the quintessential environment because this way everyone can admire it, and rooms or desks include more eclectic pieces.

People choose to hang some of their favorite artwork in the bedrooms and there is where they keep those things which are usually more delicate and private.
Where it is not convenient to hang pictures are the sides of the stairs or those sites where the work can be damaged by being exposed to shock.

The rule is mother to place boxes and not place them too high, since they cannot be seen properly, it is best that they are always at the height of the eyes of the person who enters the room.

Many pictures you want to put

If it is a single box solution is easy. So you just have to take into account the height at which it should be placed. As a general rule should be placed at eye level, when in doubt, always err on the side below than above the line of sight. In case of very large collections can always start from an uppermost line that scored somewhat lower than usual.

If it comes to groups of two or three frames, so you can place them horizontally or vertically, or even staggered at different heights.

When you want to group a rather large collection of pictures to decorate the room, it is very convenient that you get first a composition on the floor or on a graph paper. Do not make holes in the wall while the result is not the one you're looking for to be your home.

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