Special touches for your kitchen, dining room or office

Place the chair against the possibility of large glass windows make it look quite modern, and sober, plus it allows us to communicate with other environment, and to integrate in many cases inside the house with a porch, and garden.

The key to success will be as we always say the right choice of materials, since a successful mixture. Therefore, makes optimal results when decorating. In many cases we can choose a table that folds forging contrast to natural wood chairs, and highlight decorative details with forging a good lamp, hanging from the ceiling.

A modern touch on a fine dining kitchen is also adding mirrors to win originality, they can be placed in the main wall in conjunction with frames that can be gold leaf or silver depending on the palette you have chosen for the rest of decorative elements, which may be aged, given the new techniques that offers painting.

Choose them to consciousness, and in different sizes, we can arrange asymmetrically as this allows us to obtain a harmonious whole that will bring dynamism, and in turn a really interesting set of reflections regarding the decoration of this type of environment.

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